Incorporation of foreign companies.
Section 251 defines a foreign company as a company incorporated outside Uganda which, establish a place of business in Uganda and companies incorporated outside Uganda which have established a place of business in Uganda and continue to have a place of business in Uganda. Section 252 of the Act states that a foreign company which establishes a place of business within Uganda shall, within 30 days after the establishment of the place of business, deliver to the registrar;
- certified copy of the charter, statutes or memorandum and articles of association of the company, where not in English a certified translation.
- a list of directors and secretary of the company; form 24 pursuant to regulation 29 of the Company (General) Regulations 2016.
- statement of all subsisting charges, the kind set out in section 105(2); form 13 pursuant to section 23 of the Company (General) Regulations 2016.
- name and postal addresses of one or more persons resident in Uganda authorized to accept on behalf of the company service of process; form 25 pursuant to regulation 29 of the Company (General) Regulations 2016.
- the full address of the registered office of the company; form 26 pursuant to regulation 29 of the Company (General) Regulations 2016.
Upon registration of the above documents, the registrar issues a certificate of registration as a foreign company under the Companies Act (Company form 28) pursuant to regulation 30 of the Companies (General) Regulations.
- Registration of certified copy of memorandum or equivalent; section $ 250.
- Any other document (forms) $ 55.
- Registration of mortgage/charge 50,000/=.
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