Applicable Laws are:
• The Companies Act No.1 of
• The Insolvency Act, 2011
A company may within 30 days before the passing
of the resolution to wind up, deliver to the Registrar and the Official
Receiver a Statutory Declaration of Solvency, which includes a statement of
company’s assets and liabilities. This is done pursuant to section 271 of the
Companies Act No. 1 of 2012 and Regulation 33 of the Company (General)
Regulations of 2016.
The Notice of board meeting to pass special
resolution is sent out to members pursuant to section 149 of the companies Act
and the special resolution to be passed requires a majority of not less than ¾
of the such members entitled to vote.
Members pass a special resolution to wind up
the company which is filed with the Registrar of Companies in form 29 pursuant
to regulation 32 of the Company (General) regulations 2016. The winding up
commences at passing of the resolution.
A Copy of the registered resolution is sent to
the Official Receiver.
The Notice of special Resolution is published
in the gazette and a newspaper of wide circulation within 14 days pursuant to
section 269(1) of the Companies Act 2012.
Advertise appointment of a Liquidator in the
Gazette within 14 days of appointment Form 12 of Insolvency Regulations 2013.
Register with the Registrar a copy of the
Gazette Notice and deliver a copy to the Official Receiver.
Liquidator takes over the affairs of the
company pursuant to section 62 of the Insolvency Act No. 14 of 2011.
For purposes of preparing a preliminary report
under section 102(1), the liquidator with the help of the director, secretary
and other employees of the company files a Statement of Affairs for the Company
which shall be in Form 20 of Insolvency Regulations pursuant to regulation 106
of the insolvency regulations 2013..
10. Within
40 days, the liquidator gives a public notice of the preliminary or interim
report of liquidation using Form 25 of the Insolvency regulations 102(1) SI No.
36 of 2013.
11. Within
20 days after the end of every 6 months during liquidation, the liquidator
prepares, files and issues notices advertising interim report pursuant to
section 103 of the Insolvency Act.
12. When
winding-up is completed, the liquidator calls for a final meeting of the
company by at least 30 days’ notice in the Gazette and newspaper and submits
final accounts. The Return of Final Accounts is filed in Form 26 of Insolvency
Regulations 2013. This is pursuant to section 67(1) & (2) of the Companies
13. Then
pursuant to section 67(3), within 14 days, the liquidator files with the
Registrar a copy of the final account and files a return of the final meeting
in Form 105 of Insolvency Regulations 2013.
14. Within
Three months from the date of registration of the return, the company is
automatically dissolved pursuant to section 67(6) of the Insolvency Act.
The Insolvency (Fees)
Regulations, 2013.
On filing any notice – Ug. Shs, 20,000.
On filing in court of a statement of affairs 0
Ug. Shs. 15,000.
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