Obligations of a company listed on the Uganda Securities
The obligations of a company listed on
the Uganda securities exchange are governed by the Capital Markets Authority
Act Cap 84 and Uganda Securities Exchange Listing Rules 2021.
company listed on the Uganda securities Exchange is known as an issuer in
accordance with Rule 2 of the Uganda Securities Exchange Listing Rules 2021.
Under section 90A of the Capital Markets Authority Act Cap 84, an issuer is
defined as a company or other body corporate or government that makes offering
of securities. A listed company is
defined as a company which has entered into and is party to a listing
undertaking with a stock exchange approved by the Authority under this Act or a
stock exchange outside Uganda recognized and approved by the Authority in a
country specified by the Authority in regulations under this Act. The Capital Markets Authority is mandated under
section 5 to create, maintain and regulate a system in which a market of securities
can be issued and traded in an orderly, fair and efficient manner. To that
effect, the Uganda Securities Exchange was established.
company that is listed on the Uganda Securities Exchange has general
obligations, obligations to make disclosure of periodic financial information
and other obligations listed within the miscellaneous provisions of the Uganda
Securities Exchange Listing Rules 2021 as well as the Capital Markets Authority
Cap 84. These obligations are further elaborated on as follows;
General obligations.
90I of the Capital Markets Authority Act Cap 84 provides that where a
material change occurs in the business of the issuer, or in any other matter
which would have the effect
of rendering the prospectus or a statement
required to be contained in the prospectus or any other
matter concerning the issue to the public
generally, untrue, incomplete, misleading or non-compliant with any law
applicable or any listing rules to the issuer, the issuer shall promptly inform the Authority of the
occurrence of the change and the
Authority shall give directions as it considers appropriate in the circumstances including the revocation of the approval
Section 90AD of the
Capital Markets Authority Cap 84 provides that every issuer of securities that
are the subject of a public offer or which
are publicly held, in the case of a non listed issuer, shall keep the Authority and in the case of a
listed issuer, the stock exchange,
informed promptly of any information relating to the issuer and its subsidiaries if any, that—
is necessary to enable them and the public to
appraise the financial position of the issuer and of its subsidiaries;
might reasonably be expected materially to affect market activity in securities of or
otherwise affect its subsidiaries; or
might reasonably be expected materially to affect market activity in the price of its securities.
36(1) of the Uganda Securities Exchange Listing Rules of 2021 provides that an
Issuer shall, as soon as possible but not later than 24 hours following the
event or circumstance, release an announcement giving details of –
a. circumstances or events that have or
are likely to have a material effect on the financial results, the financial
position or cash flow of the Issuer, or information necessary to enable holders
of the Issuer’s listed securities and the public to avoid the creation of a
false market in its listed securities; and
b. New developments in its sphere of
activity which are not public knowledge, and which may lead to material
movements in the ruling price of its listed securities.
36(2) of the Uganda Securities Exchange Listing Rules of 2021, provides that
the requirements of subrule (1) are in addition to any Material Information and
the following specific requirements regarding notification –
a) any information concerning the Issuer
or any of its subsidiaries necessary to avoid the establishment of a false
market in the Issuer's securities or which would be likely to materially affect
the price of its securities;
b) any intention to fix a books closing
date and the reason therefore, stating the books closure date, which shall be
at least 21 days after the date of notification to the Exchange, and the
address of the share registry at which documents shall be accepted for
c) any recommendation or declaration of
a dividend (including bonuses, if any), the rate and amount per share, date of
payment, and the date of books closure. Where there is a variation in an
interim or final dividend for the corresponding period in the previous year,
the directors shall state the reasons for the variation at the time of the
recommendation or the declaration. In making the announcement, the Issuer shall
specify whether the dividend is interim, special or final and the total
dividend paid to that date;
d) any recommendation or decision that a
dividend shall not be declared and the reasons for that recommendation or
e) any general meeting at least
twenty-one days before such meeting is held or such shorter notice period as is
permitted under the Issuer's articles of association or other constitutive
document or the Companies Act. All notices convening meetings shall specify the
place, date and hour of the meeting. If the conventional meeting place is
changed, full justification for the change shall be given. The place chosen
shall be convenient to the general body of shareholders;
f) all special resolutions put to a
general meeting of a listed company (as provided by the Issuer’s articles) and
immediately after such meeting, whether or not the resolutions were carried;
g) any change of address of the
registered office of a listed company or of any office at which the register of
securities of a listed company is kept;
h) any change in the directors,
secretary or auditors of the Issuer;
i) any proposed alteration of the
memorandum and articles of association of a listed company;
j) any notice of change of substantial
shareholdings or changes received by the Issuer and details thereof;
k) any application filed with a court to
wind up the Issuer or any of its subsidiaries. Details of the suit and the
probable outcome of the suit shall be confidentially submitted to the Exchange;
l) the appointment or imminent
appointment of a receiver or liquidator of the Issuer or any of its
m) any acquisition of shares of another
company or any transaction resulting in such a company becoming a subsidiary or
associated company;
n) any sale of shares in another company
resulting in a company ceasing to be a subsidiary of the Issuer;
o) any substantial sale of assets
involving 10 % or more of the value of net assets of the Issuer; and
p) any major change of business policy
or operations.
36(3) of the Uganda Securities Exchange Listing Rules of 2021 provides that any
information released to the public under subrule (1) shall be accurate in all
37 of the Uganda Securities Exchange Listing Rules of 2021 imposes a duty of confidentiality
in respect of Information that is required to be announced in terms of rule 36
(1) and (2) until such information has been released to the Exchange and
arrangements have been made for that information to be published. The only
exceptions are where the information is given in strict confidence to advisers
or to persons with whom the issuer is negotiating with a view to effect a
transaction, disclosure required by law.
37(5) requires that whenever an Issuer becomes aware of a rumour or report,
true or false, that contains information that is likely to have, or has had, an
effect on the trading in the issuers securities or would be likely to have a
bearing on investment decisions, the Issuer is required to publicly clarify the
rumour reports as promptly as possible.
38 of the Uganda Securities Exchange Listing Rules 2021 provides that an Issuer
shall submit to the Exchange and publish a cautionary announcement as soon as
possible after it is in possession of any material price sensitive information,
if at any time the necessary degree of confidentiality of such information
cannot be maintained, or if the Issuer suspects that confidentiality has or may
have been breached.
38 (2) provides that an Issuer who has published a cautionary announcement
shall provide updates on it in the required manner and within the time limits
38(3) provides that an Issuer shall submit to the Exchange and publish a profit
warning as soon as it is in possession (but in any case, not later than 24
hours) of information indicating a decline in profit or loss for a financial
warnings shall be issued
an Issuer registered a profit in the previous reporting period but has
registered a loss in the current reporting period
where an Issuer registered a loss in the previous reporting period and
registers a consecutive loss in the current reporting period
where an Issuer has not registered a loss but registers a decline in profits by
25% or more compared to the same reporting period in the prior year.
Disclosure of Periodic Financial
and Interest.
Rule 41(1) of
the Uganda Securities Exchange Listing Rules provides that the declaration of
an intention to pay dividends or interest in respect of listed securities
should be communicated to the Exchange immediately but in any event not later
than 24 hours after the decision to declare a dividend is made. A copy of the
announcement should be published and sent to shareholders.
Rule 41(2) provides
that the announcement of the book closure date shall first be made to the
Exchange at least 21 days prior to the last day to register and shall contain
the following minimum information) the day the register shall be closed for
purposes of payment; b) the date on which the dividend/interest shall be paid;
and c) the cash amount that shall be paid for the dividend/interest.
Rule 41(3)
provides that if an Issuer decides not to declare dividends or interest, this
shall be announced to the Exchange immediately after the decision is taken.
a) At least 21 days notice shall be
given to shareholders and the Exchange prior to the last day to register for
the dividend or interest.
b) Payment of dividends and interest
shall be effected within twenty one (21) days after the books closing date.
2.2. Interim and quarterly reports.
42(1) provides that Interim reports shall be published through a daily
newspaper of nationwide circulation printed in the English language, as early
as possible after the expiration of the first six months of a financial year,
but not later than three months after that date. The newspaper announcement
shall include information on the address at which a shareholder can obtain a
copy of the report.
42(2) provides that where an Issuer has changed the end of its financial year
by more than 3 months, an additional interim report shall be released, for the
period from the beginning of the financial year so changed to the date of the
end of the financial year before it was so changed.
42(3) provides that Subrule (2) does not apply to companies that are applying
for listing.
2.3. Review by auditors.
44 provides for review by auditors. It states that un-audited interim reports
shall be reviewed by the auditor of an Issuer, at the cost of the Issuer, if
the Exchange, in its sole discretion, deems it necessary.
2.4. Annual Financial Statements.
45 provides that every Issuer shall, within four months after the end of each
financial year and at least twenty-one days before the date of the annual
general meeting, distribute to all shareholders and submit to the Exchange and
a) a notice of annual general meeting;
b) the annual financial statements for
the relevant financial year, which financial statements shall have been
reported upon by the Issuer’s auditors.
Miscellaneous Provisions.
53 (1) provides that An Issuer shall notify the Exchange of any change to its
board of directors including
a) the appointment of a new director;
b) the resignation, removal or
retirement of a director; and
c) changes to any important functions or
executive responsibilities of a director; without delay and no later than by
the end of the business day following the decision or receipt of notice about
the change by the Issuer. No such notification is required where a director
retires and is re-appointed at a shareholders’ general meeting.
53(2) provides that the notification shall state the effective date of the
change if it is not with immediate effect. If the effective date is not yet
known or has not yet been determined, the notification should state this fact,
and the Issuer shall notify the Exchange when the effective date has been
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