Registered trustees in Uganda
Incorporated Trust.
Incorporated trust: These are incorporated under the Trustees Incorporation Act Cap 165 which provides for incorporation of the trustees of certain bodies and associations of persons. These are registered in the ministry of lands and Commissioner Land registration.
Section 1 of the Trustees Incorporation Act Cap 165 states that trustees or a trustee may be appointed by any body or association of persons established for any religious, educational, literary, scientific, social or charitable purpose, and such trustees or trustee may apply to the minister for a certificate of registration of the Trustees of such body or association of persons as a corporate body.
Rule 2 of Trustees Incorporation rules SI 165 – 1 provides that the application for a certificate of registration as a corporate body shall be submitted to the commissioner for Land Registration in Form 1 in the first schedule to the rules.
The fees for making the application for a certificate of registration as a corporate body is shs.20,000/= pursuant the Trustees Incorporation Rules SI 165 – 1.
The minister having regard to the nature and objects of such body or association, may then grant such certificate accordingly subject to such conditions that he deems fit to insert in the certificate. The fees for issuance of a certificate of incorporation is shs.10,000/= pursuant to the first schedule of the Trustees Incorporation Rules SI 165 – 1. Section 4 of the Act provides that before a certificate of Incorporation is granted, the trustees or a trustee shall have been effectually and lawfully appointed to the satisfaction of a Minister
Section 3 of the Act states that the application shall be signed by the persons making it and shall contain particulars specified in the schedule to the Act which include; the objects of the body or association of persons, the rules and regulations of the association of persons, together with the date of, parties to every deed, will, or other instrument, constituting the body or association of persons, a statement and short description of the land, or interest in the land possessed by or belonging to or held on behalf of the body or association of persons, names, residences of the trustees, date of their appointment, qualification, tenure and avoidance of office, the mode of appointing new trustees, proposed device of the common seal, regulations for its custody.
The minister may orders relating to the incorporated trust on the application of any interested party under section 15. The application shall be in form II in the first schedule to the rules. The fees for this application are shs.10,000/=
Any person aggrieved by the orders may within 30 days apply to the High court in accordance with rules of court.
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